See What Others Say About Us
"We have had several of our pets cremated over the years in Ohio - we recently moved here. Your service was by far the nicest we have ever seen. Thank you so much. We were not expecting this level of service & we will definitely recommend you to others."
— Clippinger Family

"Jimmy showed true compassion for our loss and made making arrangements as smooth as possible. Thank you for everything. Would not recommend any place but you. "
— Smith Family

"Your service has totally blown me away. First - the delivery in a gift bag. Then the enclosures.... I was not at all prepared to ever again see Joe's hair, or paw print - thank you so very much for those. I did not know why the cardboard box of ashes was so heavy - (the cremains of my parents and husband were much lighter) until I undid the cardboard and saw the beautiful carved wooden box! I've been crying tears of gratitude all day! P.S. In my experience, human cremations are not handled as well. Gratefully Yours, Linda Max Collins"
— Collins Family

"Jimmy was the best, when it came to what we in Hawaii would call Pono (Good) at his job and knows how to be what we call Me Ke Aloha Pumehana. Thank you so much for all u have done to bring Kainalu home to us. Mahalo Nui Loa Keawe"
— Kauanui Family